High performance adhesives made from wheat starch: Reducing plastic waste with ecological packaging solutions

Progressing climate change and the scarcity of resources mean that our society is increasingly having to rethink many aspects of everyday life

Reducing and avoiding plastic packaging is an important long-term objective for the public, politicians and legislators. A study[1] by the Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung GVM (Society for Packaging Market Research) quotes a savings potential of 825,057 t of plastic through the use of corrugated board solutions alone, which corresponds to a plastic packaging volume of 21 percent. The C&D Corrugating & Paper brand of the Crespel & Deiters Group specialises in adhesive concepts made from natural wheat starch. These contribute to the fact that corrugated packaging can be recycled many times over, improve the quality of the cardboard and additionally increase the productivity of the plant. Due to their properties, the adhesives can contribute to sustainable circular economy and promote the fulfilment of statutory recycling quotas.

Corrugated board in the circular economy

High performance adhesives by C&D Corrugating & Paper improve the circular economy of packaging materials

Corrugated board is a natural product that already today is made of up to 79% recycled paper. Gluing smooth and corrugated paper webs together products its firmness and stability. The adhesive is hugely important, as it must meet high efficiency requirements in corrugated board production and also be environmentally friendly and recyclable. Although adhesives only have a small share in the production of corrugated board and paper, they greatly influence the quality of the packaging.

High performance adhesives made from wheat

At the Crespel & Deiters Group, everything revolves around the naturally renewable raw material wheat. It is sustainable from sowing, right up to processing. In its growth phase, wheat binds large amounts of CO2. If, as in our case, 75% of it is sourced from Germany and 25% from nearby European countries, it also has low transport emissions. By means of so-called joint-product production, i.e. the manufacturing of various products from a single starting material, the wheat can be utilised almost completely, with a yield of 99 per cent. The wheat starch obtained in this way is the basis for C&D Corrugating & Paper’s sustainable high performance adhesives.

“In order to protect our earth and its resources, the status quo of industry processes must be questioned over and over. Our innovative adhesive concepts made from natural wheat enable ecological packaging solutions and make an essential contribution to the sustainable circular economy.”

Gustav Deiters, Managing Director Crespel & Deiters Group

C&D Corrugating & Paper’s high performance adhesives boost efficiency

The C&D Corrugating & Paper brand of the Crespel & Deiters Group has been developing and producing wheat-based high performance adhesives for more than 30 years. These adhesives allow us to make a constant contribution towards recycling corrugated packaging many times over, improving the quality of the cardboard and additionally increasing the productivity of the plant.

Maximum quality

Wheat-based high performance adhesives bond papers quickly and securely, contributing to the quality and firmness of the board.

Higher productivity

The special high performance adhesives of C&D Corrugating & Paper allow full utilisation of the output of corrugated board plants and increase the individual as well as production-specific achievement of objectives. Efficiency is increased.

Optimised energy usage

Well-controlled production processes, combined with ideally-adjusted sustainable adhesive concepts, help to reduce specific energy consumption. In the overall consideration of the economic efficiency and sustainability of corrugated board, this is a central aspect.

Less waste

Waste from corrugated board plants can be minimised by the secure bonding of papers with C&D Corrugating & Paper’s wheat-based high performance adhesives and by the optimised production process. Less waste makes an important contributions towards sustainable production.

High adhesive performance

Demand-oriented and efficient high performance adhesives are the basis for the reliable bonding of a wide variety of paper grades. They also enable a constant production output due to the consistently high performance of the adhesives. In addition, the best composition allows less adhesive to be used.

Recycling corrugated board and paper

The sustainable wheat-based high performance adhesives from C&D Corrugating & Paper make an important contribution towards ensuring that the statutory recycling quotas can be met today and in the future. The EU Packaging Act is setting a clear direction in this matter. By 2022, 90% of all paper packaging must be able to be reused. Each corrugated board produced with one of our wheat-based high-performance adhesives can be recycled up to 20 times and used in terms of a sustainable circular economy.

More information: https://staging.crespeldeitersgroup.com/de/cd-corrugating-paper/

[1] Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung GVM: Potential of substituting plastic packaging with corrugated board packaging solutions. October 2019.