Sustainability – as a family company we are committed to the whole process.

For 165 years our thoughts, development and actions have been focussed on the sustainable raw material wheat and its processing. The purpose is to create innovative solutions that provide our customers with long-term added value for their companies and their products. In our actions and conduct we always strive to make sustainability our highest priority, in a social, ecological and economic sense. With our commitment to sustainability, which is supported by all managers and employees in our family company, we want to assume our social responsibility and do our part in protecting the environment that we impact for future generations.

We are bound by our commitment to our customers, our employees and the environment. A passion for working with regenerative raw materials means that we act in an environmentally responsible manner throughout the company. We maintain open and respectful interaction both with our employees and with our suppliers and service providers. As a family-managed company, we are always very closely linked to our sites and therefore also to our environment, to our neighbours and to our communities. Our close relationships with our customers enable us to meet our quality and innovation standards. This responsibility is the basis for the sustainability of our work.

Taking reliable action together with social responsibility.

The values, visions and long-term goals of Crespel & Deiters, everything that we strive for and do in our social responsibility as an established family company, is formalised in our company guidelines. They are the foundation for all our business activities, offering our employees a solid framework for their day-to-day activities and giving our customers and partners a secure basis for collaboration.

We have been a family company since 1858, now operating worldwide, but still producing regionally with deep local roots. Obligations arise from our activities: towards the people with whom we work, the raw material, and towards nature, which form the basis for our products and the region in which we are an employer and economic factor. Obligations that we readily and happily assume every day as part of our social responsibility. Since the founding of our company, we have been defined by these values, by our striving for sustainability in all our actions and products, and by how we relate to one another. It is what makes us who we are. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Social responsibility towards our employees.

More than 400 employees are employed in the Crespel & Deiters Group today. Our employees receive targeted training to ensure that they are prepared for the increasing challenges and can actively contribute to shaping the development of the company. The availability of personnel is also ensured through our far-reaching personnel planning as an employer. Our operative health management offers a diverse programme for sports and physical movement, health and recreational activities.

Social responsibility in the workplace environment.

At Crespel & Deiters, we ensure the safety of our employees and our workplace through targeted protective measures and constant improvements of our working conditions and organisation. Through preventative maintenance and compliance with all normative standards, we guarantee that the machines and equipment in our wheat starch factory present no dangers to our employees or the environment.

Kundennähe ist ein wichtiger Wert der sozialen Verantwortung des Familienunternehmens | Crespel & Deiters Titel: Kundennähe im Familienunternehmen Beschreibung/Beschriftung: Ganzheitlicher Beratungsansatz für Industriekunden

Social responsibility in interacting with our customers.

At Crespel & Deiters, we support our industrial customers through in-depth service and well-designed products in the development and manufacturing of their end products. What is more, we are closely involved with our customers as consultants in future-oriented development. At Crespel & Deiters, we take a holistic approach to consultancy, development, production and service. For specific customer requirements, we work together with our customers to develop wheat-based products and individual solutions.

Sustainability as social responsibility for the next generations.

With our commitment to sustainability, which is supported by all managers and employees in our family company, we want to assume our social responsibility and do our part in protecting the environment that we impact for future generations.

Our family company’s aspiration.

Find out more about the vision and values of our company and the globally active Group.

Our ecological responsibility is comprehensively aligned.

At Crespel & Deiters, we consider it our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment by using a protective approach to our natural resources and continuing to reduce our emissions; we also ensure sustainable management through ongoing improvements. We are conscientiously and integrally aware of the diverse work with the regenerative raw material of wheat, regional solidarity and social responsibility towards our employees, our immediate neighbourhood and wider environment. After all, everything is connected.

Raw material wheat.

The entire circle of life is contained within a tiny grain of wheat. The opportunities and challenges of wheat have always fascinated Crespel & Deiters. From our point of view, wheat is a crisis-proof raw material. A raw material that is not only versatile for people and animals, but for industrial purposes as well. It is characterised by its effectiveness, future viability, and sustainability.

The objective of our work is to develop, use and perfect the manifold possibilities offered by the natural raw material wheat for food and non-food industry applications. We process 100% EU wheat, 75% of which stems from German cultivation and is thereby guaranteed GMO-free.

We handle wheat in a sustainable manner

The technological developments in the previous decades make it possible to get even more out of one individual wheat grain. Today, state-of-the-art, highly effective technology is used in the separation and refining process of the raw material. This results in virtually loss-free utilisation of the raw material. To be exact: Today, we use 99% of every wheat grain. This guarantees efficient, resource-saving handling of this regenerative raw material. At the same time, at the Crespel & Deiters Group we always keep our knowledge up to date in order to get the most out of the raw material wheat using state-of-the art, advanced technologies. This is why for us, progressiveness is also a healthy balance between sustainability, further development and success.

All of the worthwhile information about the multi-talented raw material wheat is summarised in a poster. Learn more about wheat starch, wheat protein, wheat extract and wheat fibres. And find out when wheat was first cultivated and grown in human history. It is worth taking a glance …

The environment plays a big role.

Do you want deeper insight into how we think about the environment and how we act in our company? Then keep reading here.

Ecological responsibility is required.

Being a German Group that produces locally, in addition to being a regional employer, family company and fair, long-term partner, the Crespel & Deiters Group faces its sustainable responsibility, every day. This already begins with wheat, 75% of which comes from Germany and, in many cases, from the region. In any case, each grain of wheat that we process comes from Europe. For us, this is an aspect of maintaining our supply capability, also with regard to climate change. And it has another positive aspect: we strengthen rural areas by offering the farmers who supply the raw material wheat, which our products are produced from, an essential source of income and employment.

Statistically speaking, about 2,700 farmers produce an average of 370,000 t of wheat, which is processed annually in our production. This corresponds to a cultivated area of 47,000 ha, or 65,000 soccer fields.

The wheat is milled in 3 milling companies at five locations in the regional vicinity of our plant. We have fixed supply contracts in order to give our milling partners a long-term perspective for collaboration.

The wheat flour is separated into its wheat-based raw materials by our long-standing, experienced employees at the Ibbenbüren headquarters and, from there, refined into highly functional products by our brands. We consider ourselves a fair partner, which is why we cultivate long-term cooperation with our suppliers. Within the company group we are locally involved in initiatives, events and associations, together with our employees.

Legal conformity

To sustainably strengthen and safeguard our corporate success, mutual trust – internally and externally – is an essential prerequisite. In this regard, it is especially our values such as personal responsibility, sincerity and transparency that play an important role, as well as behaviour that is ethically correct and within the law. The present compliance principles of the Crespel & Deiters Group combine important guidelines and basic rules in one single document. You can read our entire compliance principles here: