C&D Corrugating & Paper is a producer of wheat starch-based adhesives.

C&D Corrugating & Paper is the specialist for wheat starch-based adhesive concepts and the experienced producer of wheat starch-based high performance adhesives, which support the corrugated board industry in the cost-efficient production of high-quality corrugated board. We develop highly functional products and industry-specific solutions on the foundation of natural, wheat-based raw materials. Their use allows our customers to develop their products and manufacturing processes in a more sustainable and efficient manner. We also design, build and modernise adhesive application equipment that are tailored to our customers’ individual requirements. C&D Corrugating & Paper’s highly functional products are also used in the paper industry. Wheat-based special starches make the paper stronger during production and, by means of sizing, ensure printability .

C&D Corrugating & Paper for the corrugated board and paper industry:

  • High industrial competence
  • More than 30 years of experience and knowledge
  • Development of wheat starch-based high performance adhesives for the corrugated board production
  • Conception of adhesive application equipment
  • Production of starches for paper manufacturing
What have more than 30 years of experience and knowledge with our wheat starch-based high performance adhesives | Crespel & Deiters

Experience in the developments of wheat starch-based adhesives:

Our employees always bear the experience and expertise for your area of business in mind and any unique circumstances in the manufacturing of your corrugated board. Our application technicians are on site to support you to secure the success of your products. They are well-versed in the process of corrugated board production and have extensive knowledge and experience in developing and implementing adhesive concepts.

  • Experienced application technicians in the production of corrugated board
  • Technical service to ensure results
Our technicians are on-site at the customers for training sessions and applications of our wheat starch-based high-performance adhesives, | Crespel & Deiters

Wheat starch-based adhesives, service, training sessions and consultation:

Also after the optimal wheat starch-based high performance adhesive has been introduced to your production process, our application technology service will provide training sessions and additional consultancy services to ensure that the required performance is maintained on a permanent basis.

  • Training sessions of the operating personnel for adhesive application
  • Personal consultation on site

Wheat starch-based adhesive concepts for your corrugated board production:

As a developer and producer of customised wheat starch-based adhesive concepts for the corrugated board industry as well as starches for the paper industry, C&D Corrugating & Paper offers you plenty of experience and competence for both your industry and your requirements. Find out more about the benefits and possibilities of our products and service for your production:

Performance on board: Wheat starch-based high-performance adhesives for the optimal bonding of corrugated board.

C&D Corrugating & Paper wheat starch-based high performance adhesives facilitate full utilisation of the corrugators’ performance across all paper grades, with optimised energy and adhesive usage. The consistent quality of our high performance adhesives ensures high-performance, which in turn guarantees continuous production quality in corrugators, including single-face machines with in-line lamination. Our comprehensive product portfolio comprises a wide range of wheat starch-based high performance adhesives that are characterised by particularly good properties for applications when it comes to producing corrugated board Therefore, the use of a customised high-performance adhesive has an impact on the economic efficiency of corrugated board and paper production.

C&D Corrugating & Paper Services:

  • Maximum utilisation of the corrugator’s efficiency across all grades, with optimised energy and adhesive use
  • Constant production performance in the corrugator, thanks to the consistent high performance of the wheat starch-based high performance adhesives
  • Higher efficiency, thanks to optimised energy use and reduced waste
  • Extensive knowledge in the field of papers that pose challenges when it comes to adhesion
  • Conception, creation and modernisation of adhesive application equipment by C&D Corrugating & Paper plant engineering
Weizenstärkebasierte Hochleistungsklebstoffe machen die Wellpappe qualitativer und effizienter | Crespel & Deiters

Wheat starch-based high performance adhesives for perfect results.

With wheat starch-based high-performance adhesives by C&D Corrugating & Paper, perfect adhesion can be ensured in state-of-the-art corrugators with production speeds of up to 450 m/min. The product properties of our adhesives also allow corrugated board production at low paper temperatures. For example, the use of our wheat starch-based high performance adhesives allows rapid drying of the produced corrugated board. The functions of our wheat starch-based high performance adhesives enables the use of both wash water and treated process water.

Unsere Mitarbeiter haben langjährige Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Anwendung von weizenstärkebasierten Hochleistungsklebstoffen | Crespel & Deiters

Wheat starch-based high performance adhesivesfor special requirements.

Thanks to the experience and expertise of our developers and application technicians, we have a great deal of knowledge in the field of challenging papers that are complex to bond, such as lightweight paper grades, coated papers, high-density papers and virgin fibre. In addition, our product portfolio also includes wheat starch-based adhesives for the special application of wet strength bonding according to FEFCO test method no. 9 and additives.

C&D Corrugating & Paper plant engineering for adhesive application equipment.

Upon request, in addition to wheat starch-based adhesive concepts, we also design and implement complete adhesive application equipment that is tailored to your requirements, or offer modernisation in specific areas such as system control.